What happened today in history

Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are going to talk about

What happened today in history

1838 Mexico declares war on France. "pastry wars"

Image result for 1838 Mexico declares war on France. "pastry wars"

1900 Oscar Wilde dies in a Paris hotel room after saying of the room's wallpaper: "One of us had to go."

Image result for Oscar Wilde

1906 President Theodore Roosevelt publicly denounces segregation of Japanese schoolchildren in San Francisco.

Image result for 1906  President Theodore Roosevelt publicly denounces segregation of Japanese schoolchildren in San Francisco.

1974 Pioneer II sends photos back to NASA as it nears Jupiter.

Image result for 1974  Pioneer II sends photos back to NASA as it nears Jupiter.

1982 Thriller, Michael Jackson's second solo album, released; the album, produced by Quincy Jones, became the best-selling album in history.

Image result for thriller

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We hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
