Hello ladies and gents today we are going to learn how to


1 Be hygienic. People like to be near people who are clean and that smell good. So brush your teeth twice a day, take a shower everyday or as many times as it's healthy in the climate of where you live, and always use deodorant and a cologne or perfume.

2Take care of your mind. What you put in reflects what can come out. Think constructively, empathetically, and logically - exercise your imagination and know yourself. Being a cool presence begins with dignity, self-knowledge and acceptance, and self-respect. Forgive yourself for any stupid past mistakes and move on to being the best you you would love to meet and know.

3Bring joy to your dressing style. What type of message are you sending to people through the way you dress? You like wearing plain clothes, larger clothes or plain colors? Well, try to dress more joyful, then. People are more drawn to people that look like they have joy in their lives. Or, conversely, dress in a way that accentuates how you feel.
  • Brighter colors. Instead of going for pales, beiges, dark or grayish tones, go for baby blues, pastel greens, pinks or any color that transmits happiness.
  • Get updated in fashion. Make a research on the internet, Google about what types of shoes, jeans, shirts and accessories are fashionable right now. There are thousands of websites and blogs out there that can help you.
  • Do not try too hard. You do not have to wear everything that they say it's fashionable, but do take note of what would look better for your body type, skin color and personal taste. People look much cooler when they dress in style yet look like it's effortless.
4Get a more flattering look. Go on Google and search for what types of haircuts and hairstyles are in right now for your face shape and go for what suits better your personal taste. Once again, you must not look like you've been trying too hard. A subtle look is the best. 

5 Improve your attitude. Do not slouch! It's not only bad for your back, but it's also bad for how people perceive you. Stand up straight, swing your arms a little as you walk and always look people at their face and make eye contact. This shows people you aren't afraid of life and they will instantly respect you much more.

And with that we hope you have a chilled day from the viking 
