Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are going to the beautiful country of


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Colombian cuisine is a compound of the culinary traditions of the six main regions within the country (Pacific, Amazonian, Andean, Orinoco, Caribbean, and Insular). Colombian cuisine varies regionally and is particularly influenced by Indigenous, Spanish,  and African cuisines, with slight Arab influence in some regions. Furthermore, Being one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, Colombia has one of the widest variety of aliments according to the microclimates of every region.

Lechona or Pork Dish 

Lechona Casera

This recipe requires advance preparation and Cooking time 3 hours

2 pounds (1 kilo) pork belly
2 pounds (1 kilo) pork meat
500 grams (2 cups) rice
250 grams dried Marrowfat peas or dried yellow peas (Left soaking in water for at least 8 hours before use).
1 bunch spring onions chopped
Complete seasoning or turmeric
500 grams red potatoes (optional)
2 lemons
2 tbsp Nutmeg
2 tbsp mixed herbs (or 1 tsp each of oregano, thyme, rosemary and 1 bay leaf)
2 cups  water
Salt and pepper to taste
Thread to tie food

  1. Wash and cut into pieces the pork and add the onions chopped, 1 tsp nutmeg, 1 tbsp garlic paste, 1 tbsp seasoning, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything in a bowl and marinade for a least 3 hours.
  2. Allow the Marrowfat peas to soak in a litre of water for at least 8 hours and then cook in the same water for 30 minutes, or until slightly soft.
  3. All the above can be prepared the day in advance.
  4. Prepare the belly pork leaving only 1 centimetre of fat and season with salt and juice of one lemon.
  5. Pre-heat the oven to 180º Celsius - 350º Fahrenheit or gas mark 4.
  6. Chop the onions and fry in 2 tbsp of oil.
  7. Prepare the rice as usual (2 pints of rice with 4 pints of water). Add salt and oil.
  8. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes about 2 centimetres thick.
  9. In a bowl mix the rice and peas already cooked, sautéed onions, 3 tbsp of seasoning and 2 tbsp mixed herbs, 1 tbsp garlic paste. And 2 cups of water.
  10. On a big baking tray covered with kitchen foil, place a layer of rice mixture and then a layer of pork.
  11. Add another layer of the mixture of rice and another of pork, until it fills the baking tray.
  12. Then put the belly pork on top and tie it with a thread from the top of the belly pork and under the tray. (Leaving the belly pork immovable, but easy to remove the thread when the crackling of the pork is cook).
  13. Add 2 cups water or broth with 2 tablespoons annatto or turmeric.
  14. Varnished the pork belly with the juice of 1/2 lemon. (It will help to roasted it and make it crispy)
  15. Cover the top with more kitchen foil, and put into the oven for 2 1/2 hours.
  16. Remove from the oven and uncover carefully the foil. Then spray the juice of 1/2 lemon and put it back to the oven to golden the belly pork until is crispy on the top. (Will be checked occasionally until completely golden.
  17. After this time take it out of the oven on a safe surface and cut the thread with scissors, and cut the crackling into 6 or 8 pieces. And you can serve it on individual plates and present with corn dumpling or "arepas" and lemons.
We hope you like this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
