Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are going to talk about .


TaponomiconTaponomicon is an idle tapper game. You start with a little creature, tap on it a bunch, and use the wisdom you earn to summon other creatures. You combine creatures to get even better creatures and this mechanic drives the whole game. There are also a variety of power-ups and special abilities as well. It's an idle tapper so it's obviously not the most exciting new game ever. However, the mechanics are easy to follow and the game gives you a bunch of neat stuff on the onset to get you started. The full page ads are a little jarring if your volume is up, but otherwise it's not too bad. You can also pay to remove the ads if you want to. It's a good time killer if nothing else.

Language Navi

Language NaviLanguage Navi is a unique and somewhat niche new app. The app translates foreign languages to your language directly in an application without much direct input from you. It only works with Latin characters and it requires Accessibility permissions, but those are about the only two (perfectly reasonable) pain points. So basically, you open an app in a language that isn't yours and the app changes it into a language that is yours. It could be useful for learning a new language or giving access to an app in other countries where it may not have native support (or localization) yet. It also doesn't require root. The free version has ads and the premium ($2.99) does not.

We hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking
