Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about


cats can be allergic to humans Random Obscure Facts

1.Some Cats Are Actually Allergic to Humans
Though it’s uncommon—since humans bathe more than your typical animal, and don’t shed as much hair or skin—some animals can still be allergic to humans. (However, it’s most often because of the perfume or cologne we wear or the soap we use.) 

2Too Much Water Can Kill You
Drinking too much water can be lethal. When guzzling a ton of liquid, you can suffer from something called “water intoxication,” which either occurs after an obscene amount of water is guzzled or too many fluids were consumed during hardcore, endurance exercise. If this sounds preposterous, know that the 2002 Boston Marathon competitor Cynthia Lucero died due to overhydration. (Yikes.)

3The Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded on Earth Was 2 Billion Degrees Kelvin
To give you a sense of how hot that is: The interior of our sun is 15 million degrees Kelvin. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories produced the record-breaking temperature in their lab using a superheated gas—equal to about 3.6 billion degrees Fahrenheit, which is definitely warmer than anything you could create on your stove. 

4Green Eggs and Ham Started as a Bet
The Dr. Seuss classic grew out of a bet with his editor that he could not create a book using fewer than 50 different words. The editor, Bennett Cerf, founder of Random House, put—you guessed it—$50 on the line, and lost. 

5Competitive Art Used to Be in the Olympics
Between 1912 and 1948, the Olympic Games awarded medals in sculpture, music, painting, and architecture. After the Olympics were skipped during the war years, it returned in 1948, but after a debate, the competitions were scrapped.

And as always have a chilled day from the viking
