Helloladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are going to talk about

Marvel launched a delightful, retro website to promote Captain Marvel

Marvel’s next big superhero movie is Captain Marvel, and unlike most of the franchise’s films, this one’s set in the 1990s. Accordingly, Marvel has launched a website that fits the timeframe, a throwback to web design of the era, complete with awkward animations, fonts, and colors.

The result is absolutely delightful. The website taps into the nostalgia for the 1990s that we’ve seen in the film’s trailers, and features a ton of components that were mainstays of the web almost a quarter of a century ago: random animations, zany photo editing, HTML frames, brightly-colored fonts, and of course, a guestbook and hit counter. There’s even a Skrull you can punch when it pops up. All that’s missing is a front page that you have to click through. It’s a far cry from the bland, modern movie websites.

It’s a clever facsimile that replicates the look and feel of what the web looked like, and it’s not too far off from what some of us remember. Had Marvel been in any place to release movies in the 1990s, it’s probably a bit what its promotional site might have been like. Just look at the still-active pages for Space Jam or Mallrats, or take a trip down memory lane with the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
