Heyya buds this is Joe and eres my jokes


Resultat d'imatges de jokes about mexico

Why do Mexicans make refried beans? Ever heard of a Mexican doing something right the first time. 

What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe? Roberto! 

What do you call a Mexican with a lowered car? Carlos! 

Did you hear about the Mexican train killer? He had locomotives. 

What do you call a Mexican drowning in mayonnaise? Sinko De Mayo. 

What do the Mexicans call "The Bachelorette"? Pico de Gallo. 

Why did the blonde have sex with a Mexican? Her teacher told her she had to do an essay. 

Did you hear about the Mexican racist? He joined the que que que. 

What do you call a Mexican fighting a priest? Alien vs Predator. 

What's the difference between pick and choose? Pick means to select something and choose is what a Mexican wears on his feet. 

What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand? Cuatro, sink-o. 

Project X is still not even close to being as crazy as a Mexican party. Nice try gringos 

What do you call a Mexican midget? A paragraph cause he's too short to be an essay. 

What do you call a mexican with a bottle of vermouth? A dry Martinez. 

What do you get when you cross Speedy Gonzales with a country singer? Arriba McEntire. 

What do you call two mexicans playing basketball? Juan on Juan. 

Why do Mexicans never cross the border in groups of three? Because there is no tres-passing. 

Where are the best margaritas served? In the gulp of Mexico. 

Why did the Mexican sign up for Tinder? For a Juan night stand. 

Why did the Mexican throw his wife off a cliff? Tequila. 

How does every Mexican joke start? By looking over your shoulder. 

Why couldn't the Mexican go bow hunting? Because he didn't haberno. 

Why don't Mexicans like cold weather? Because they are afraid of ICE. 

What do you call a bunch of mexican stoners? Baked Beans. 

Whats the difference between a smart Mexican and a unicorn? Nothing, they're both fictional characters 

What do you get when you mix a Mexican and an octopus? I don't know either, but imagine that thing picking oranges 

How do you say "tall Mexicans" in Spanish? Churros 

Why cant Mexicans have a barbeque? The beans keep falling through the grill 

What do you call an Mexican in the knockout stages of the World Cup? A Referee

. Whats the difference between a Mexican and a deadbeat? About three Coronas. 

What do you call a Mexican jedi apprentice? Pada Juan. 

What do you get when you cross a Mexican and a German? A Beaner-Schnitzel 

Why were there only 600 Mexicans at the Alamo? They only had two cars. 

What happens when a Mexican and an ASIAN make a baby? A car thief who can't actually drive is born. 

What do you get when you cross a Mexican and an Iranian? Oil of Ol'e.

 What do you call Mexican food that slowly moves? Inch-iladas. 

Why did God give Mexicans noses? So they'll have something to pick in the winter. 

What do you call two Mexican FireFighting brothers? Hose A and Hose B 

What kind of containers are there in Mexico? Mexicans. 

How do you teach a Mexican to swim? Put a fence in front of the pool 

What's a Mexicans favorite book store? Borders 

Name the only American holiday a Mexican won't celebrate? Labor day! 

Why are Mexicans and basketball players a like? They both run jump shoot and steal 

What do Mexicans and vending machines have in common? They both take your money and don't work. 

What does a depressed Mexican say? I don't wanna taco bout it. 

What do you call a little mexican? a paragraph cause he's not an ese yet 

How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It doesn't matter because they're all to short. 

How do you keep Mexicans from stealing? Put everthing on the top shelf. 

Whats the difference between St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo? Nobody pretends to be Mexican.

What's a Mexican's favorite sport? Cross country 

What do you call a guy thats half Mexican and half Chinese that wears only one sneaker? Juan Chu 

What did the Mexican say when he had the best time of his life? Taco about a good time.

 Why can't Mexicans be firemen? They can't tell the difference between jose and hose b 

What do you call a dinosaur with a sombrero? Tyranosaurus-Mex. 

Why don't Mexicans cross the border in 3's? Because it says no trespassing 

What do you call good Mexican food? Top Natchos. 

ere hope you liked this if you are mexican we will do a diferent country next week.
