American Presidents

Hello ladies and gents, today we are talking about one of the coolest people ever!!!

Theodore Roosevelt

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Last week we covered The Life and times of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. today, we will go back in time and discuss the likes of his cousin, the one and only Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27th 1858 on East 20th Street in New York City. He found himself as a youth, off too often be in poor health. He had to billeting asthma which caused him to have nighttime asthma attacks which made him feel as if he was being smothered to death. Never last he was an energetic youth who fell in love with nature.

Roosevelt's lifelong passion for zoology began when he found a dead seal a local market. He was seven years old. He and his cousins brought the seals head home and formed the Roosevelt museum of natural history. May be important to note that Theodore's father had helped form found the metropolitan museum of art. At the age of nine, young Theodore recorded his findings concerning insects in a paper entitled The natural history of insects. It is safe to say the Theodore Roosevelt was a studious man. He entered Harvard college in September of 1876. It was on this date that his father advised him to, quote take care of your morals first, your health next, and finally your studies. And quote Theodore Roosevelt senior it would pass away not long after, the younger Roosevelt would be devastated. In response to his father's death he would increase his efforts regarding his studies. Biology would always be his face his best subject.

"Roosevelt's, attempting to analyze his college career and weigh the benefits he had received, felt he had obtained a little from Harvard. He had been depressed by the formalistic treatment of many subjects, by the rigidity, the attention to my new toy that were important in themselves, but which somehow we're never linked up with the whole"

On October 27th, 1800 (his 22nd birthday) Theodore Roosevelt married socialite Alice Hathaway Lee. They're one of the little child, Alice Lee Roosevelt, was born on February 12th, 1884. Two days later, his wife Alice will pass away from Bright's disease AKA undiagnosed kidney failure. Roosevelt's mother had passed away 11 hours earlier from typhoid fever. Unfortunately, The grieving Roosevelt would not assume custody of his daughter until she was 3 years old.
