Hello ladies and gentd this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about


Unbroken Soul

Resultat d'imatges de unbroken soul

Price: $2.49

Unbroken Soul is a 2D, retro-style action-platformer. Players jump around on platforms, off of walls, and around obstacles and bad guys to reach the end of levels. There are also some shooter and hack-and-slash mechanics to deal with the bad guys. The game features nine boss fights, a decent number of levels, various character abilities and upgrades, and different virtual controller setups. The runs for a very reasonable $2.49 with no in-app purchases or ads.


Resultat d'imatges de post it app
Price: Free

Yes, the official creator of Post-it notes now has an official app and it’s a note taking app. It’s actually not half bad, either. You basically create notes like you do in almost any other app. That part isn’t all that unique. However, you can move notes around on the UI in various ways to organize them with cute little Post-it note style icons. It works with handwriting or typed words. You can even export notes as PDF files, in an Excel spreadsheet, or as an image. It probably won’t usurp apps like Google Keep as the kings of the castle, but it’s a unique experience.

Top Speed 2
Resultat d'imatges de top speed 2
Price: Free to play

Top Speed 2 is a new drag racing game. It has a lot of the same features as other racers in the category. There are over 70 cars to collect and customize, a bunch of tracks to play through, a story mode, online multiplayer, and extras like leaderboards. The first game was quite popular and this one is already making its way there. However, there are some complaints from players, like the lack of a visible improvement in graphics from the first game and some other style issues. Still, it’s not a bad for a free to play title.

And as always have a chilled day from the viking.
