Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about


Gigantic X

Resultat d'imatges de gigantic x
Price: Free to play
Gigantic X is a new top-down sci-fi shooter and it’s one of the better ones we’ve seen lately. It features intense action, many explosions, and three playable characters. You play through the story and beat up the bad guys as you go. You also collect near gear as you find it. It’s a little bit reminiscent of older Contra games and similar titles. The game play has a rapid pace and twitch controls. It’s actually quite fun to play. The game had some lower ratings upon launch due to some launch bugs and incompatibility with some PC emulators. Otherwise, it’s quite good.

Gundam Battle: Gunpla Warfare

Resultat d'imatges de Gundam Battle: Gunpla Warfare
Price: Free to play
Gundam Battle: Gunpla Warfare is a mobile version of one of Gundam’s best past times. For those who don’t know, Gunpla is a series of figures. You buy the box, cut out the parts, and assemble the figures yourself. The mobile game works very close to the same. You can mix and match parts from Gundams from over two dozens series. You use them to fight bad guys. You can customize things like long and short range attack effectiveness and there is an online PvP aspect as well. The game plays fine on newer flagship devices. However, there are complaints that it doesn’t play well on budget devices.

Doom I and II

Resultat d'imatges de doom app
Price: $4.99 each
Bethesda treated us to a nice surprise this week. The original Doom and Doom II are now on mobile as ports. They are as you probably remember except with on-screen touch controls. The on-screen controls are a big buggy and we’re not fans of requiring an online account to play. However, they are otherwise complete ports, including the Thy Flesh Consumed DLC. For the most part, these are average ports. They won’t blow you away but they are totally playable with a little patience. However, similar to Super Mario Run, fans of the series expected something a little different. It may be worth the price for some people, but make sure to try it inside of the refund time to ensure you actually like the game

And as always have a chilled day fro the viking.
