Yall right mate we have some cool jokes for you


Resultat d'imatges de jokes about recycling
Q: Why are environmentalists bad at playing cards? A: They like to avoid the flush. 

Q: What did the Tree Hugging hottie say to the guy in the SUV? A: "Turning off your Engine, gets my motor humming" 

Q: What's the name of the new Tom Cruise eco-thriller? A: Mission Compostable! 

Q: Why do all eco-friendly consumers love T&A? A: Because they think it stands for Trees and Air Quality! 

Q: What did the environmentalist get when he sat down for too long on an iceberg? A: Polaroids! 

Q: Why doesn't a Sustainability Consultant look out the window in the morning? A: It gives him something to do in the afternoon!! 

Q: Why does a Time Magazine survey state only 85% of Americans think global warming is happening? A: The other 15 percent work for the oil industry! 

Q: How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None. It's too early to say if the light bulb needs changing. 

Q: How do Prius owners drive? A: One hand on the wheel, the other patting themselves on the back

 Q: How does President Bush plan on fighting record high temperatures? A: By switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius! 

Q: What kind of plant grow on your hand? A: Palm tree. 

Q: Why did the American Greenpeace activist throw out all his spray cans? A: "Because they were a bunch of aerosols" 

Q: What does a tree drink? A: Root Beer. 

Q: Why are pirates so eco-friendly? A: They always follow the three arrrrrrrs. 

Q: Did you hear the one about the aluminium recycling plant? A: It smelt! 

Q: How do trees settle a disagreement? A: They sign a tree-ty. 

Q: Did you hear the one about the recycling family of triplets? A: Polly, Ethel and Ian 

Q: What did one tree say to the other? A: Are you a Sap! 

Q: What lies between a good recycler and a bad recycler? A: Oregon 

Q: What is the difference between a person and a tree? A: One is illegal to hit with an ax! 

Q: What can the climate do that weather can't do with a tree? A: Climb it. 

Q: What is the most dramatic scene in Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth!"? A: When the glacier melts and they find more hanging chads! 

Q: How do you know your a bad recycler? A: You give the recycle bins to your kids to use as toboggans. 

Q: What happened after President Bush said "global warming is happening much quicker than he thought"? A: His advisers pulled him aside and explained it was springtime! 

Q: How are Republicans planning to reduce record heating bills this winter? A: Global Warming! 

Q: What do loggers eat in the forest? A: Mac and trees. 

Q: Why did the leaf go to the doctor? A: Because it was feeling green. 

Q: What are the benefits to Joan Rivers extensive plastic surgery? A: When she dies they can just put her in the recycle box! 

Q: How do oil companies deal with with tanker spills? A: Slick lawyers. 

Q: What do you get when you cross an environmentalist with direct action? A: Arrested! 

Q: How bad was the BP Gulf Oil Spill? A: So bad they started drilling for water! 
