Visits and Vacations

Hello ladies and gents, today we are talking about...

Richmond, Virginia

Resultat d'imatges de richmond virginia

Virginia is a state that is rich with history. No matter where you turn you will find a piece of American history. It matters not if you are a world, Revolutionary, of Civil War buff; in Virginia there is history for everyone. Richmond in particular is steeped in history.

Richmond was established in 1737 on the land of William Byrd II. The town was named in honor of Richmond, England (now part of London). On April 18, 1780, the state capitol of Virginia was moved from Williamsburg to Virginia, thanks to Governor Thomas Jefferson. Unfortunately, in 1781 the turn coat, Benedict Arnold, burned Richmond to the ground.

The town recovered quickly and was a thriving again by 1782. The state capitol was created in the Greek Revival style by Thomas Jefferson (assisted by Charles-Louis Clerisseau). Richmond soon emerged as an important industrial center. Iron work became one of the most important industry within the town (visit Tredegar Iron Works).

The Civil War brought devastation to Richmond, it was during this time that the town was burned for a second time.

Hope you enjoyed and as always, have a chilled day from the viking.
