Hello ladies and gent this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about



Resultat d'imatges de uberlistePrice: Free
überliste is a new grocery list app. It’s a good mixture of minimal and smart with a simple UI that anybody can use. The app has a database of items or you can add your own if you prefer. It also organizes your list into various grocery store categories for easy reference. You can also share lists with members of your household if you want to. The app is entirely free with no ads, in-app purchases, or subscriptions.

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels

Resultat d'imatges de acron squirrelPrice: Free
Acron: Attack of the Squirrels is a new VR game for multiple platforms. It has an Angry Birds style story line except replace the birds with squirrels and the pigs with trees.

 Squirrel players raid the tree for its acorns and the trees catch the squirrels and literally throw them to get them to go away. The game supports local multiplayer with both cooperative and competitive game modes. The game is also completely free to play as far as we can tell.

Sugar Blast

Resultat d'imatges de sugar blastPrice: Free to play
Sugar Blast is a new game from Rovio, developers of the Angry Birds franchise. It’s a simple puzzle game with match-three mechanics and colorful graphics. It’s family friendly and includes thousands of levels. Some of the other game features include various power-ups, limited events, and some social gaming elements as well. It’s obviously not the most original game in the genre, but people actually seem to like this one a lot compared to most others.

And as always have a chiled day from the viking.
