Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about


Music Zen

Resultat d'imatges de Music Zen app

Price: Free / $4.99 per month / $49.99 per year

Music Zen is a rare new sound app. It delivers a variety of sounds that many may find pleasing, relaxing, or otherwise euphoric. Some examples include bubble wrap pops, rain noises, slicing noises, aquarium sounds, and other such things. The app also has sleep app features, visual elements, and some other neat stuff. The app works like you would expect. You can listen to almost any sound at will and you can set things like sleep timers and all of that. It’s simple and it does what it says. The price is a bit steep for our tastes, but it’s up to you if you think it’s worth it or not.

Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Resultat d'imatges de Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Price: $4.99

Bad North: Jotunn Edition is a real-time strategy game. You play the role as ruler after your dad is taken out by Vikings. On top of the regular strategy elements, there is also a protection element. For instance, Viking invaders can throw torches into buildings and kill innocent bystanders. It’s a bit rough. However, the game is quite fun and the art style is pleasing and enjoyable. There are a bunch of various mechanics to make it feel fresh in its genre. There is also a PC and Nintendo Switch version if you want to try it on other platforms.

Volume Control Panel Pro

Resultat d'imatges de Volume Control Panel Pro
Price: $0.99

Volume Control Panel Pro is a neat little app for your volume. It creates an overlay with all of your various volumes so you can adjust them all at once. The app overrides your volume buttons and opens this app instead of the normal volume controls. It has a left and right handed mode, customizable themes, and it works with external devices like Bluetooth headphones. It costs $0.99 and has no demo version. However, it worked fine on our testing devices and it’s actually better than the stock volume function on many devices.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
