Hey mates just a lil quick one tdy

Accent Jokes

Resultat d'imatges de jokes about british accents

I'm obsessed with bad jokes about arenas said in a German accent.
You'll understand venue experience them.

The Russian President doesnt even have a russian accent...
he's just Putin' it on

What’s a redneck with a British accent called?An Australian

So I walked into this bar and heard two girls speaking in what sounded like a lovely Scottish accent.I walked over and said: "So, are you two girls from Scotland?"

One of them said: "Wales Idiot!"
So I said: "Oh, I am terribly sorry about that. So, are you two whales from Scotland?"
That's the last thing I remember.

If me having a Russian accent means my B's sound like V's...

Ere hope u liked that mateys
