Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

The Swords of Ditto

Resultat d'imatges de swords of ditto
Price: $5.99

The Swords of Ditto is a cutesy little action RPG title with some dungeon crawler elements. Players dive into a world filled with dungeons and evil. Of course, you combat that evil. The story isn’t winning any awards for originality but it is satisfying enough. You get a bunch of the action RPG staples like tons of loot, various skills to learn, and places to explore. Most of the complaints we found were for the controls and a crashing issue. Otherwise the game is quite good and we hope the developer fixes those other things eventually.

GCA Launcher

GCA Launcher screenshot for the best new android apps list
Price: Free / Up to $4.99

GCA Launcher is a new launcher with some decent features. The app uses a somewhat stock Android look and feel and also includes icon pack support, adaptive icons, theming, gesture support, and some predictive features. It runs well on lower end devices and seems to work well overall. However, there are some bugs and some questionable design choices that some people may not like. We do expect improvements over time, though.

IRL Social Calendar

IRL Social Calendar screenshot for the best new android apps of November list
Price: Free

IRL Social Calendar is a neat mix of a calendar and a social media site. You and a bunch of friends link up in the app. You all then start planning stuff. People who want to show up can RVSP and those who don’t can skip the event. It’s kind of like Facebook Events minus the horrible Facebook part. You do, of course, need to get your friends in on it to be useful, though. There is also a student-only mode for those with school email addresses.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
