Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


Resultat d'imatges de lego duplo world app
Price: Free / $3.99-$7.99

LEGO DUPLO WORLD is a new kids game from LEGO. It’s a super simple game and mostly for younger children. It features things like counting games, color sorting, and some fun stuff like building a train from LEGO blocks. The game has mixed reviews so far. Most say their kids enjoy the game. The complaints run the gamut between a bunch of different things, but none of them are overly serious. It’s a decent kids game overall.


Disney Plus screenshot for the best new android apps

Price: Free / $7-$13 per month

Disney+ is the biggest new video streaming service of 2019 so far. Disney basically ripped all of its content out of other streaming services and gathered them here to charge you an extra $7 per month for them. That said, there is a lot to like about it. There are a ton of Disney movies and a bunch of other content to watch. It also features stuff from 20th Century Fox such as The Simpsons. However, that’s about all it has right now. The base service goes for $7 per month. However, we actually recommend the bundle with ESPN+ and Hulu for $13 per month because Disney+ doesn’t stand well on its own as a streaming service just yet.

Minecraft Earth

Resultat d'imatges de minecraft earth

Price: Free to play
Minecraft Earth hit the US this last week. It’s still in Early Release Beta, but it’s available to download and play. As a quick refresher, Minecraft Earth is like regular Minecraft and Pokemon Go had a baby. You use the AR features to build things in the real world. It is a beta so there are bugs. However, even with that taken into account, the game actually plays pretty well. We’re sure you’ll hear about this one again before the end of the year. It’s a fairly big release.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
