Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about.


Choker screenshot is one of the best new android games
Price: Free to play

Choker is one weird game. It’s basically a mixture of chess and poker. Players start with a king and a pawn on the board. From there, they bet on five cards that depict your remaining chess pieces. After that, you play chess with those pieces and see who wins. The game is in early access beta and the link below will ask if you want to become a tester before you download it on Google Play. It’s definitely something different.


EdLock screenshot for the best new android apps list

Price: Free with in-app purchases / $12.99 per year

EdLock is an educational style app. It basically puts a lock over top of your apps and you answer trivia questions to unlock access. Users can select which apps are blocked and the types of trivia questions you might get asked. It’s intended for younger audiences and there are a variety of categories to choose from. You get three credits to choose three categories. From there, you either purchase more credits or you can subscribe for $12.99 per year to unlock all of the content permanently.

Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel

Resultat d'imatges de Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel Price: Free to play Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel is another anime-inspired mobile gacha with an unnecessarily long and easy to misspell name. It takes place in the Sword Art Online universe during the Alicization arc, but contains exclusive story elements not in the anime. The free-to-play elements are the usual gacha mechanics. You collect characters, form a party, and defeat evil in the story. The game has a few bugs that need fixed, but people seem to otherwise enjoy the

Price: Free to play

Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel is another anime-inspired mobile gacha with an unnecessarily long and easy to misspell name. It takes place in the Sword Art Online universe during the Alicization arc, but contains exclusive story elements not in the anime. The free-to-play elements are the usual gacha mechanics. You collect characters, form a party, and defeat evil in the story. The game has a few bugs that need fixed, but people seem to otherwise enjoy the game.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
