Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about

The King of Fighters ALLSTAR

Resultat d'imatges de The King of Fighters ALLSTAR
Price: Free to play

The King of Fighters ALLSTAR is a free to play fighter. It takes place in the KOF universe and has a lot of cameos from popular characters. It features simple touch controls, plenty of action, and online PvP matches along with cooperative play. Like most, it features gacha elements. Players collect various fighters and level them up like many mobile free to play games. The game has a few bugs and the free to play nature keeps it from feeling like a true fighting game. Otherwise, it’s okay.

Xbox Game Streaming (Preview)

Xbox Game Streaming for the android apps weekly 290

Price: Free

Microsoft launched Xbox Game Streaming in beta this week as well. The app lets you connect your phone to your Xbox and play any of your Xbox games on your phone. This service, also known as Project xCloud, uses your local Internet connection to stream the game and your Xbox One hardware to play it. This makes it a lot faster and more stable than an online streaming service in theory. In practice, well, we’ll see. This is still an early beta after all. This one does boast support for mobile networks as well, unlike Google Stadia.

Six Digital Wellbeing apps from Google

Price: Free

Google launched six apps that work with Digital Wellbeing. They include Unlock Clock, We Flip, Post Box, Morph, Desert Island, and Paper Phone. These apps are little games and activities to help you practice digital wellbeing. For instance, Unlock Clock keeps a more visible count of how often you unlock your device. We Flip is a game you play with friends to see who can go the longest without using their device. You get the idea. We particularly like Post Box because it’s an app version of Do Not Disturb Mode that also lets you schedule your own notifications. All of the apps have the occasional bug, but nothing too serious if you want to try them out.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
