Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

The Sizaire-Berwick Armoured Car (Wind Wagon)

Sizaire-Berwick was French automobile manufacturer that was active between 1913 and 1927. In 1915 the UK's Royal Naval Air Service modified a Sizaire-Berwick in an attempt to design an all-terrain combat vehicle. The Wind Wagon, as it was dubbed, had a propeller attached to a 110hp Sunbeam aircraft engine mounted in the back and was armored with steel. It had enough room for two passengers and had a 7.71mm Vickers machine gun mounted on the front.

But for all it had going on under the hood the Wind Wagon proved to be a very easy target. All the enemy needed to do was come at it from any direction other than directly in front of it and the Wind Wagon was a sitting duck. And this says nothing of the fact that the aero engine was fully exposed and the radiator was unprotected. Thankfully, only one Wind Wagon was ever produced and it never saw testing outside of England, let alone the battlefield.

What a weird looking vehicle i hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
