Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Tancik vz. 33: The Tank That Could Not Tank

Tanks are fearsome weapons. They’re armored, massive, well-armed all-terrain vehicles that can destroy pretty much everything in their way. And then there is the Czechoslovakian Tancik vz. 33, whose designers took one look at traditional specs and achieved the exact opposite.

We’re going to sing you a metaphorical song about all the faults of the Tancik, but really, its most glaring fault can be pointed out by just looking at it:


That’s just ... wow. Is it a troop carrier from the Clown Wars? Does an infinite line of red-nosed commandos flood out once it stops in the middle of the ring? Is it a tiny float for a small-town parade? It can't be an actual vehicle of war someone built for battle, right?

Unfortunately for its users, it’s that last one. In 1930, someone proposed to the Czechoslovakian military that it might be a neat idea to buy a few British post-WWI Carden-Lloyd tankettes, and use them as a template to built their own, hilariously tiny battalion of tanks. We hoped to discover that they had some tactical advantage in mind, like maybe a forced perspective trick that would enable the Czech military to drive right up to the enemy while they think that they’re being approached by regular-sized tanks that are really far away. However, it appears that the reason behind green-lighting the Tancik was good, old fashioned money: Small tanks are cheaper than huge ones.

As the Czech higher-ups were about to find out, they’re also much, much worse at tanking. The 70 manufactured Tanciks were not only bad -- they were hilariously bad. They were severely underarmored, and their weapons consisted of two machine guns that, frankly, would have been more useful if the two guys manning the machine just pried them off the vehicle and charged at the enemy on foot.

Funny doesnt really cover it with this one i hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
