Hey budss this is ur amigo Joe enjoy


Resultat d'imatges de jokes about mexico

Why do Mexicans make refried beans?
Ever heard of a Mexican doing something right the first time.

What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe?

What do you call a Mexican with a lowered car?

Did you hear about the Mexican train killer?
He had locomotives.

What do you call a Mexican drowning in mayonnaise?
Sinko De Mayo.

What do the Mexicans call "The Bachelorette"?
Pico de Gallo.

Why did the blonde have sex with a Mexican?
Her teacher told her she had to do an essay.

Did you hear about the Mexican racist?
He joined the que que que.

What do you call a Mexican fighting a priest?
Alien vs Predator.

What's the difference between pick and choose?
Pick means to select something and choose is what a Mexican wears on his feet.

What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand?
Cuatro, sink-o.

Project X is still not even close to being as crazy as a Mexican party.
Nice try gringos

What do you call a Mexican midget?
A paragraph cause he's too short to be an essay.

What do you call a mexican with a bottle of vermouth?
A dry Martinez.

What do you get when you cross Speedy Gonzales with a country singer?
Arriba McEntire.

What do you call two mexicans playing basketball?
Juan on Juan.

Why do Mexicans never cross the border in groups of three?
Because there is no tres-passing.

Where are the best margaritas served?
In the gulp of Mexico.

Why did the Mexican sign up for Tinder?
For a Juan night stand.

Why did the Mexican throw his wife off a cliff?

Ope u laughed.
