Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about

Colour by Number Oil Painting

Color by Numbers Oil Painting screenshot
Price: Free / $19.99 per month

Colour by Number Oil Painting is a colouring book app with some decent looking images. It’s not quite as free form as most. It assigns colours for each number and then you fill in the numbers as necessary. It’s not the best for creative types but it is rather cathartic. You can watch ads for some shortcuts if you need them, but you’re supposed to take your time with it. The app is free with some obnoxious ads or you can subscribe. The subscription price is absolutely absurd and we don’t recommend it in the slightest. If you can get beyond the ads, this is a good colouring book app.

Warface: Global Oeprations

Resultat d'imatges de Warface: Global Oeprations
Price: Free to play

Warface is a mobile version of the popular free to play console and PC shooter. This version is also free to play and not quite as good as the console and PC counterparts. However, it does have its perks. Most of its in-app purchases are for character customizations so the app avoids the pay-to-win aspect. From there, the game has its ups and downs. The graphics are fantastic but the controls are a tad clunky. We’re not fans of the battle pass subscription, but the game has a decent array of weapons and gear. Fans of the mobile FPS genre may like it, but it’s not quite as good as Call of Duty: Mobile.

TERA Classic

Resultat d'imatges de tera classic

Price: Free to play

TERA Classic is a mobile release of the popular MMORPG. The game includes four classes, mounts, tons of quests, decent graphics, easy enough controls, and more. It plays a lot like most mobile MMORPGs but it does let you do 50 player guild fights and we thought that was kind of cool. This one is also fairly new and the Play Store listing isn’t even in English yet. However, if you can get beyond the language barrier, this one is pretty good. We expect full translations for everything sooner rather than later.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
