Hello ladies and  gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about

This Darkest Dungeon D&D-style monster manual looks amazing

I don't get to dig them out as much as I'd like, but my D&D sourcebooks and monster manuals are one of my gaming cupboard's greatest treasures, and now I'm very keen to add this unofficial Darkest Dungeon monster manual to my collection, because it looks awesome. 

Dungeon Master Tuz creates homebrew content and monsters for D&D 5th Edition—check out their Patreon—and this week showed off their work-in-progress monster manual, It's the spitting image of a proper D&D book, but with elves and bugbears swapped for Darkest Dungeon's swinefolk, brigands and other assorted nasties. Along with art from the game, each entry has a nice chunk of lore, D&D-style stat boxes and the occasional special rules.

I know this one is a little short but i hope you liked it anyway and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
