Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about

Lucid Adventure

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Price: Free to play

Lucid Adventures is a new mobile gacha RPG. You start out as a hero with all of his abilities stripped away and you help him recover all of his lost power. The game features side-scrolling battles, a story mode, online PvP, and the usual array of gacha RPG mechanics. We also quite like the ability to create a second team specifically to buff the first team. However, the game does suffer from quite a few translation, grammar, and punctuation errors and the graphics could definitely be better. The pull rates are decent, though, and as long as the game continues to improve after launch, it should be a fun one to play for a while.

Symphogear XD Unlimited

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Price: Free to play

Symphogear XD Unlimited is a mobile gacha based on the anime of the same name. It’s another mobile gacha RPG with the usual mobile gacha RPG mechanics. You obtain various characters from the show and do battle against opponents. The game officially launched on February 14th so we didn’t get to test this one out very much before the actual launch. However, there are tons of videos on YouTube of the Japanese version so we have a good idea what to expect. It should be another relatively fun gacha game for fans of the genre and especially for fans of the anime.

Steno Notes

Steno Notes screenshot
Price: Free / $2.99

Steno Notes is a new lightweight note-taking app. It offers a clutter-free UI so there isn’t much between you and your notes. The UI features some basic, but functional and colorful organizational features. Additionally, you can create, edit, or delete notes rather quickly. You also get a light and dark theme, the ability to organize notes with hashtags, and there is a folder system for more granular organization. The premium version is $2.99 if you want to support the developer.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
