Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is almost certainly getting a battle royale mode

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Activision announced Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's second season today and it wasn't especially surprising: there are three new maps, new weapons, a new Battle Pass... the usual. But for anyone paying close attention to the similarly unsurprising in-game cinematic that accompanied it (gruff military folk, death, explosions, gunfights), there was a pretty straightforward hint that a battle royale mode is on the way.

There are soldiers jumping out of a large aeroplane into a map much bigger than the usual Call of Duty fare, and in the background there's an ominous green mist: presumably the typical battle royale shrinking circle.

Data miners have already uncovered compelling evidence that a battle royale mode is coming to the shooter, and one Reddit user even bugged into what appeared to be a battle royale map. Apparently it'll have a 200 player count, support for solo, duos and four-player squads, and the ability to respawn using collectible tokens.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
