Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about


To see part one click : HERE

6. Cooking

  • One of the most relaxing and rewarding hobbies out there, cooking is definitely worth trying out.
  • Whether you are trying to win over a girl, having mates over or just cooking for yourself, it’s a skill which is needed on an everyday basis.
  • As you get better and start trying more complex recipes, you’ll begin to enjoy it even more.

7. Pool & Snooker

  • If you are lucky enough to be able to put a pool or snooker table in your home, then it’s a hobby which can be a lot of fun with friends!
  • Like with everything else, practice makes perfect. You’ll need to play more than a game or two a week, but it’s a great feeling when you can start sinking ball after ball.

8. Photography

  • Photography is a bit more than just pointing and clicking!
  • This is a really awesome hobby to have, and it’s a skill which you can really improve.
  • Once you get into photography, you’ll start seeing the world a bit differently.

9. Skiing & Snowboarding

  • Live in an area where it snows? Then you definitely should consider these as a hobby!
  • I have never lived in a place where it snows, but if I ever do, then I’ll take up skiing or snowboarding for sure.
  • It’s good exercise and a lot of fun. Just make sure to stay safe!

10. Coffee Making

  • I don’t know about you, but coffee plays a massive role in my life.
  • I drink on average about 3 cups of good quality coffee every single day, and love travelling around tasting various blends of coffee.
  • If you have a love for drinking coffee, then you can really get into making it as a hobby.
  • You can start off my learning all about the coffee making process, from planting to roasting, and eventually making the best coffees ever at home.
  • A lot of coffee roasteries offer coffee making courses, so check around your local area. Else you could find something online.
I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
