Hello ladies and gents this sis the viking telling you that today we are talking about


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Jokes About Teachers
Looking for a quick one liner to get a laugh. Here are a few funnies.
What did the French teacher say to the class? I don't know I couldn't understand her.
Why couldn't the teacher control her pupils? She couldn't find her glasses.
If a chemistry and biology teacher go to a bar, where do they sit? The periodic table.
What does a judge and an English teacher have in common? Sentences lots and lots of sentences.
Why don't history teachers want to teach about the Middle Ages? It takes too many knights.

Jokes About Food
Food jokes are always funny. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, these are good for a laugh.
What did the tomato say to the ketchup bottle? How you doin' brother.
What did the chef say to make the raw potato laugh? This is going to be your last roast.
What kind of fighter never uses his fist, but his weapons are delicious? A food fighter.
What is red, orange and full of disappointment? High school pizza.
What do you call dinner theatre in a high school cafeteria? Mystery food.

Riddles for Teens
Stump your friends with these funny riddles. Can you make them laugh?
What gets sharper the more you use it but dull if you don't use it at all? Students
What's the difference between the ACT and SAT? One letter.
What does a school and a plant have in common? STEM.
What does a high school basketball player and jury have in common? The Court.
What book won't teachers give you credit for reading? Facebook.

Puny Jokes
These jokes are puny! See if these puns will get you a chuckle or two.
What do you do if there is a kidnapping at high school? You wake him up.
My lab slipped her collar, but I didn't have to retriever.
I was looking for the lightning when it struck me.
When the bottle of Pepsi hit me, I didn't cry. It was a soft drink.
Why did the teacher send the kid to detention? He swore he did his homework.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
