Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about

Epic Privacy Browser

Epic Privacy Browser screenshot
Price: Free

Epic Privacy Browser is a newer privacy browser with a few good features. It’s a Chromium browser so the UI and many of the Settings and other controls should feel relatively familiar. This one also has an ad-block, a file vault, a built-in encrypted proxy with a strict no logging policy, and more. That makes it better than most for privacy browsing but it’s not a one-trick pony either. You also get a video downloader, a password manager, and the ability to read web pages out loud. There are tons of features and not a ton of bugs.

Scrabble GO

Resultat d'imatges per a "scrabble go"
Price: Free to play

Scrabble GO is the latest mobile iteration of the popular word game. The basic game plays just like any other Scrabble game with some extras for added challenge. However, this one has some other game modes as well, including an anagram solver, a full word drop version of Scrabble, and the classic one versus one. On the one hand, it’s definitely a lot more than classic Scrabble. On the other, there is a lot of extra stuff than the classic Scrabble. Your enjoyment will depend on whether you enjoy these extras or not.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

Resultat d'imatges per a "The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross"
Price: Free to play

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is a new mobile RPG with gacha elements. The game retells the story from the anime and includes all of the main characters. This one uses turn-based combat with a card system. There is also an online PvP mode, augmented reality features, and some other nice stuff. There are a few bugs here and there, but the reviews are generally positive and it worked fine in our tests. Those looking for another Japanese-inspired gacha RPG and also like the anime should definitely try this one.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
