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ᐅ ¿Cómo funcionan los hobbies? ⚡️ » Cómo Funciona

1. Reading

Reading is a great way to exercise your mind. You can choose to lose yourself in a fictional world, learn more about your own world, or read the autobiography of someone you admire. If you decide to pick reading up as a low-cost hobby, consider getting a library card for your local library. They will have a huge selection of books and best of all – it’s free!

2. Teach Yourself A Language
You can use lots of free resources online to help you learn another language. Try downloading some podcasts and listening to them during the evening – you could be speaking another language in no time! You can also find advice and tips online.

3. Explore Where You Live
Exploring all of the streets, tunnels and bridges in the area you live in, can be fascinating. You will learn about where you live and its history – but be careful not to trespass!

4. Keep Up With Current Events
Keeping up-to-date with what is going on in the world is very important. If you already keep up with the news in your country, consider learning about current affairs in other countries. Remember that there is a whole world out there!

5. Learn Magic
Find a book or an online tutorial on magic, and teach yourself a few tricks to show to your friends and family. The suprised faces of your friends, when you make things disappear and reappear, will be the best reward.

6. Play Free Games
There are many websites online where you can play popular games for free, against yourself or another player. You will soon find out how much fun it is to create your own character, go on adventures and fight your opponents.

7. Learn Origami
Origami is a beautiful art, and this low-cost hobby can help you produce beautiful decorations for your home. I know, it looks like it’s super difficult, but I promise you it’s actually quite easy if you know the tricks.

8. Surf The Web
It is very likely that you already surf the web as a hobby, but there are always new and exciting things to do online. Consider watching videos on YouTube, reading stories on Reddit, or finding a forum about something you are passionate about, from a computer game to running. Fun sites include Reddit and StumbleUpon.

9. Write A Song
If you are creative, try your hand at writing a song. You could really enjoy yourself, or discover that you have written something you love. If you know how to play an instrument, you can be your own band.

10. Try To Beat A World Record
If you have any interesting or weird skills, check online to see if other people have done them – and how well they did. Then try to beat the record yourself!
