Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are talking about


ufo :: tv :: theft / funny pictures & best jokes: comics, images ...

Why did the martian throw beef on the asteroid? 
He wanted it a little meaty-or. 

How do martians eat their ice creams in space? 
In floats! 

What is a martians favorite chocolate bar? 
A Mars bar! 

What is an aliens favorite place on a computer? 
The space bar. 

What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with an alien? 
A Mars-upial. 

What did the alien say to the cat? 
Take me to your litter. 

Where would an alien park his space ship? 
A parking meteor! 

What did the alien get the baby to go to sleep? 
He rocked-it (rocket). 

What do farmers need to create crop circles? 
A Pro-tractor. 

What kind of currency do aliens use? 

What do you get when you cross a weeping willow and an UFO? 
A crying saucer. 

What do you call an alien spaceship that goes from planet to planet to planet? 
A UF-hoe. 

What do you get when you cross an airplane with a magician? 
A flying sorcerer. 

Have you heard the one about the flying spaceship? 
Never mind its over your head. 

What did the alien say to the gas pump? 
Take your finger out of your nose while I speak to you. 

What kind of music do planets sing? Neptunes. 

What do aliens like to read? 
Comet books! 

What do you call a martian that can sing? 
Bruno Mars. 

What is an aliens favorite Disney movie? 
Snow White and the Red Dwarfs. 

What do you call a wizard who flies around in a UFO? 
A flying sorcerer. 

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
