HOBBIES AT HOME written by the Queen on the Hill

Hello ladies and gents this is the Queen on the Hill telling you that today we are talking about


Modern Calligraphy Alphabet | Calligraphy alphabet, Lettering ...

Week 100 of working from home and, I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a tad bit stir crazy. I’ve spent more time in my apartment than I ever thought possible. My studio and I have become so acquainted during this process, that we might actually be … in a relationship? In this period of connecting with my inner homebody, I’ve reorganized my pantry, rearranged furniture to “keep it fresh,” and might have counted the number of wood planks on my floor. 

With all of this time spent at home, I’ve been struggling to separate work from pleasure, and my life has become one blue light blob of working on my computer and winding down by scrolling through bad news and politically incorrect memes on my newsfeed. If you’re also looking for ways to ignite your creativity, find a different way to entertain your soul, and be intentional with your “me” time, you might want to try picking up a new hobby. Thankfully, there are plenty of pastimes that you can do in the comfort of your own home that (brace yourself) don’t involve scrolling on Instagram.


1. Learn calligraphy

I don’t know what it is about calligraphy that is so mesmerizing to me, but I feel like I must learn it in this life in order to feel fulfilled. Cue me buying this extremely affordable beginner practice book and these brush pens on Amazon and cut to scenes of me sweating while scribbling lowercase e’s all over my planner for practice.  

2. Work out online

Speaking of sweating, last night I did a 60-minute free yoga class hosted by Corepower Yoga and wow, did it feel good to move. My regular gym options are off of the table due to COVID-19 precautions, but I still had my yoga mat and my breath and made it work! My cat was very confused as to why I was hitting so many downward dogs and rolling around on the floor, but after a few minutes, she realized that playing with my right Airpod was more interesting.

A lot have gyms have closed, but some fitness centers are stepping up and offering free at-home virtual workout options. In addition to Peloton offering a free 90-day trial for their online classes, Tone It Up, Beachbody, ObéFitness, P.volve, YogaWorks, and Pilates Anytime are all online-based programs that also offer free trials to help you save money while keeping active in your own home.

3. Learn how to cook

Listen, I’m all for living off of buttered noodles and red wine, but there’s something about mastering a new recipe and switching up your routine to make you feel full-bellied and accomplished. If you’re new to cooking, go easy on yourself and have a backup plan in case something catches on fire (speaking from personal experience here). If you’re already a pro, branch out and tackle that one recipe you’ve been eyeing for months now. Baking desserts is also welcomed and encouraged. Be sure to send all leftovers my way. 

4. Practice meditation

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: meditation has significantly improved my life. Once I realized that you don’t have to sit cross-legged with your eyes closed and woke up to what meditation actually can be, I have found it to be a great way to step away from the chaos of life and to check in with my bad self. The best part about meditation is that you have all of the tools to get started already within you. You can do it anywhere you’d like, and it’s free!

5. Pick up needlework

Q: What’s a hobby to get me away from my screen and to keep my hands busy? A: Knitting or crocheting. According to Martha Stewart Magazine, the difference between the two types of needlework differ in the “technique and tool” used. To my grandmother’s disappointment, I have never taken part in either activity, but even watching how-to videos on YouTube is extremely satisfying. I’ve been itching to make one of the Pinterest-worthy merino wool blankets (which employs a hand-knitting technique), and this feels like the perfect time to make my dreams a reality.
