Hello ladies and gents this is a new format we are going to be doing one post a day by popular demand we are doing a top 10 on 


  1. DOGS
  2. CATS
  4. FISH


An introduction to guinea pigs | Wood Green - The Animals Charity

Ok first things first they aren't pigs or from guinea which is odd in the first place the first reason why this is so low is quite simple that they are nocturnal which isn't the best pet for children in my opinion. In my current home still living with my family for now my humble younger sister has two of them. 

What i have gleamed from her is, that they are petrified of her in many ways that means that they have low intelligence so not a lot of bonding between that. As well the constant cleaning of their cage doesn't help but on the plus side they are relatively cheap and don't require a heck of a lot of time and have relatively short lifespans.


Beginner's Guide to Ferret Care - VetCare Pet Hospital

Ferrets well lets get a bit ancient to start they are one of the fem carnivores that humans domesticated they arnt very difficult but you will look weird for having them they are known for their small sharp teeth and a tendancy to bite testicles from what i have gleamed from people who have them they have a decently long life span from 5 to 10 years which is longer than i expected.

They have a high intelligence well not as high as dogs but more than cats they are mostly kept for hunting burrowing animals like rabbits and voles etc they are lean mostly and are great with cats and dogs as long as they have a space to get out of the way on ocasion.


How can spiders locate their prey?

The only invertebrate on our list these eight legged guys are very popular in America they are fairly self-contained and so im told very fragile animals they don't often eat and will requite a tank with some kind of heating lamp or access to direct sunlight they arn't known as cuddly creatures, but they are very interesting nonetheless.

They can live from 1 to 25 years depending on the species but most eat insect unless you want the really big ones that eat mice and or birds they are easy to look after they just need a tank cleaning every few weeks from what i have been told.


Snakes as Pets: What to Know Before You Bring One Home

Ok first things first don't get a snake and make them vegetarian it isn't right and don't get one if you are squeamish they like to hunt and its only one mouse a week at most. They are not very mobile apart from that i recommend getting a heating lamp for them to bask in.

Dont have a staring competition with them they dont have eyelids oddly, they generally live for 9 years which is a good time length for a pet they can be either very dull coloured or brightly covered i recommend you get a colourful one that brighten up your day


What Is The Best Small Turtle For A Pet? [Tiny Turtle Pets ...

These cute little guys i know alot about they start at about the zise of a 50 pence piece and grow as big as their tank they eat small fish even though that they can have some fish that can live with them because of their speed. They arnt particulary cute once they get big so often enough they get thrown in rivers and public water.

They can live from 10 years to all the old folks out there they can last 80 but some species can even last 100 plus in the right conditions. Unlike what you would think they do go on land to which means in their tank they need some dry land but beware of eggs.


Giant Tortoises: Relevance and Fun Facts - Galapagos Center

Even though they arnt highly inteligent they do recognise their owners they last ages so dont get one when you are old because they will be a multi-generational pet they eat greens and have a bite force that will break your arm with ease. 

They are very common in the American south because its their natural habitat and they thrive their some of the elder genertions turn part of their sun room or conservatry into a turtle habitat where they can watch them except in the winter where they are dormant.


My goldfish. Her name is Kate." Tony DiNozzo on NCIS. I'm crying ...

My favourite animal so far on this list i have had fish and we have fish now i think alot of people can sympophise with the kid winning a fish from the fair i know i do. Goldfish are a great part of life from the smallest tank to the most massive they can be a statement tank something that shows who you are

They are the easiest pet in the world to keep their tanks need cleaning weekly but it teaches your kids to keep something else alive they are cheap and easy i recommend that you get them sweet water are a lot easier to look after.


Venezuelan President's Response To Food Shortage: Let Them Eat ...

Rabbits or as i call them big toothed non carrot loving hoppers who multiply haha they arn't the easiest animal to look after they need a den usually made of wood so its easy to clean i recommend white wine vinegar to sterilize be prepared for a lot of excrement. Keep the sexes separate for obvious reasons.

A warning is that some require their teeth and toenails clipped otherwise they really hurt the animal in my personal life i know people who keep them inside it looks cute just teach them to leave their poop in their tray which im guessing isnt easy.


Thinking of getting a cat? | International Cat Care

Coming from a family that has had cats since my first memory they are cute to look at and some are good to cuddle, but they have their own little temperaments and are obviously 2nd best to dogs. They didn't really get domesticated by us they just decided to move in, and we all collectively went 'Awww cute' and left them be.

They live up to 15 years but more if they dont move much they come in all colours but personally i love the black ones they arnt unlucky in my book. They are carnivores so stop giving them tofu its stupid and very harmful to the lil tikes if you are getting a cat get it neutered.


What Does It Feel Like to Be a Dog? - WSJ

My favourite pet dogs they are amazing creatures they make you exercise they help the blind. There will never be a more lovingly creature on earth. They make the world a brighter place. They come from the entire world from the smallest chihuahua to the largest Dane there is a dog for every single person.

They last 15 to 20 years on the long end. They eat a lot and can learn tricks not unlike new boyfriends according to friends haha i hope you liked this post and enjoyed this lovely post leave a comment below for your favourite.
