Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about a new series where we go around the world and talk about animals that could exist called Cryptids and today we are going to talk about   

The Kraken

Documentalium: Mitología Nórdica : La leyenda del Kraken

This usualy giant creature of Scandinavian origin prowls the worlds oceans looking for boats to pull beneath the waves this cephalopodal giant of the depths with arm as long as 15m to put that in perspective it could grab a beer from the toilet upstairs. 

What the Vikings believed aka the Scandinavians is that it lived between Greenland (aka the oldest marketing ploy) and Iceland. Acoording to one scholar of the time he believed "This creature has no equal it destroys man and boat with ease and even the Whales themselves are worried about being his supper" 

In the XVIII century or the Spanish Century as its called by some historians, does the word Kraken originate, according to my research some of the first uses of it was by the then renowned explorer Erik Ludvigse Pontoppidan describres them as a monster a mile and a half long that could swallow you whole boat and all living in the deepest reached of the sea and only reaches the surface when the devil tells him too

These explanations arnt a mile away from the truth when you see whales wash up with giant suction cups removed from its skin in horrible ways. The famous Swedish naturalist Carl von Linneo, father of modern taxonomy, included the kraken in his Systema Naturae (1735), but most scientists were not prepared to assume the existence of the terrible Nordic monster.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
