Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Top 10 Greatest Big Cats

Nicest looking/cutest/most graceful... but most of all the K.I.N.G of the cats

1.Siberian Tiger

The tiger is the largest cat species, most recognizable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.
I always start things like this by pointing out that I love both Lions and Tigers, both are amazing. But to me the fact that anyone could consider who would win in a fight a debate. The sad truth is we don't need to just debate man has done the unthinkable and unforgivable act of actually putting it into action, and not just a few times. 

There are many instances on record, most famously the Romans often had them fight to the death for entertainment. What they have shown is that it was never really a debate. As that requires two opposing sides with at least a similar chance at winning. But the records show it was no contest, The Tiger won against a Lion in some 95% of the fights. 

If you get down to it this makes since... A Male Tiger can way anywhere from 50-200 lbs (even more for Siberian) than a Male Lion while the Tiger is slightly shorter at the shoulder. With 25% larger paws and claws, and canines twice as long as a Lion. With forearms nearly twice as thick and a 12% stronger ...more

Tigers are more aggressive, faster and stronger than Lions pound for pound, they have better coordination and fighting skills, there are plenty of videos that prove this. Most people that are bias in favor of the lion don't take the time out to observe these facts. 

Most will say who would win in a fight not because of info and facts, but because they favor one over another. I'm giving the honest answer. I like all cats the same, but in a 1 on 1 fight between at lion and a tiger, the tiger would most likely win. Tigers are bigger and have denser muscles than lions do. A lion's diet consists of wildebeest, zebra, and buffalo. A tiger's diet consists of deer, crocodiles, gaur, and even bears. 


The lion is one of the big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. The commonly used term African lion collectively denotes the several subspecies in Africa.
King Of The Pride Lands. Power and speed, these are the most magnificent beats on the planet.

They are strong, beautiful, couragous and overrall amazing big cats.

Full grown male lions at the shoulder are about 4 feet in height, way bigger than your average tiger. Also male lions are born to fight, the lionesses in the pride do the hunting the males job is to protect the pride. Which means they are literally born to fight, its what they are built for. Not hunting, not stalking, just fighting. And if this top ten list is talking about the greatest big cat, in the fighting department, the lion would win every time.


The cheetah, also known as the hunting leopard, is a big cat that occurs mainly in eastern and southern Africa and a few parts of Iran. The cheetah is the fastest land animal, able to run up to 75 mph and can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 3 seconds


The jaguar is a wild cat species and the only extant member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas.

Jaguar have the strongest bite of any cat period, they are faster then lions and tigers and the are the best swimmers. Unlike lions who sleep and roll around for 90% of their entire lives, jaguars are more active and are spending their time hunting cooler prey. Crocodiles and anacondas scare lions, but they don't stand a against the fearsome Jaguar. 

The Jaguar doesn't drag it's prey into trees like the Leopard because it has no challengers in its region. It kills by crushing through the skull or spine with the strongest bite force of any big cat. It swims all the time and very efficiently due to the many waterways in its region. The Jaguar is only the third largest big cat and is significantly smarter and more cunning than lions. They kill fully grown crocodiles as well. Look up some Jaguar crocodile videos on YouTube. See the greatness!

5.Snow Leopard

The snow leopard is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. The name "Snow Leopard" is due to its white fur, and the black spots dotted over it.

Ruler of the snowy mountain tops, graceful and agile with excellent balance, beautiful coat for which they were hunted, not to mention the adorable fluffy fur, big feet, and long tail! The Snow Leopard is severely underrated.



The leopard is one of the five "big cats" in the genus Panthera. It is one of the most adaptable and the most widespread big cat; it's secrets being:well camouflaged fur; its opportunistic hunting behaviour, broad diet, and strength to move heavy carcasses into trees; its ability to adapt to various terrains.
Leopards are graceful, tree-climbers, not only a great cat because of being a king of its trees they rule ground and trees! They are worthy of king just like tigers! I mean they must be strong to haul x2 their body weight up a tree! Don't you think!

A beautiful, terrifying, cat. It have always been my favorite!

7,Puma, Mountain Lion, Cougar

Yes Cougars are kinda big but not really. Usually 130-200 pounds. About 5-6 feet in length. They look really skinny but are so pretty! Cougars are considered big cats because they can't roar. So they aren't small but are considered small cats. So Cougars are the best cat!

I think the cougar stands out against all the other cats since firstly, it belongs neither to the big cats nor to the small ones, therefore, the cougar is unique. Secondly, it is capable of purring and meowing, a fact that let them be seen as cute, at least cuter than the big cats.

8.Amur Leopard

What a beautiful creature! I loathe those poachers from the bottom of my soul.

I hate poachers. I am a big fan and I love big cats and people are sick and mean and stupid because when found out they will go to jail. People if you have a heart, please vote. This leopard is very beautiful, and no matter what somebody would pay me I wouldn't kill this leopard for nothing, or any big cat for that matter. You would be an angel if you could help it survive. 


9.Clouded Leopard

They are so beautiful; poachers and big-game hunters should be sent to prison. They destroy something irreplaceable, amazing and wonderful, for money and a pelt. I love all cats--pretty much all animals; what is it that makes some people think they have the right to eliminate something so wonderful from the earth?

10 King Cheetah

Archivo:King cheetah.jpg - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Yes, having reviewed all big cats, the speed, strength & beauty of this magnificent animal, makes him my favourite!

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
