Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Indonesia Independence Day 2020

Indonesia Independence Day 2020

Today’s Doodle, illustrated by Jakarta-based guest artist Martcellia Liunic, celebrates Indonesia’s Independence Day, known locally as Tujuhbelasan (from the Indonesian for “seventeen”). On this day in 1945, Indonesia’s proclamation of independence officially set the self-declared nation on a path to sovereignty.

Indonesia’s national motto is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which translates to “Unity in Diversity.” Today’s Doodle artwork highlights the diversity that shapes a united Indonesia with illustrations such as the Sumatran Tiger and the Rafflesia Arnoldii flower (which has the world's largest bloom), just a few examples of the abundant variety of fauna and flora indigenous to the archipelago. 

Also featured in the artwork is a depiction of Panjat Pinang, one of the holiday’s most popular games that requires teams to work together to reach the top of a slippery pole and claim prizes. More than just a game, Panjat Pinang embodies the spirit of gotong royong (“mutual assistance”) and emphasizes the importance of Indonesian unity.

 Here’s to lifting each other up. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!
