Hello ladies and gents this is the Jokemiester telling you that today we are talking about


Boxing jokes – Jokes by Boys' Life

PARKER: What is the best part of a boxer’s joke?
HARPER: Tell me.
PARKER: The punch line.

WEBSTER: What’s a boxer’s favorite drink?
SEAN: I don’t know.


RYAN: What do you get when you cross a game console and a fighter?
ERIC: I dunno.
RYAN: An X-boxer!

ROLF: What do you get when you cross a hula dancer with a boxer?
CHRIS: What?
ROLF: Hawaiian Punch!


Q: What do they call a boxer who gets beaten up by a Klitschko brother in a fight?
A: A sore loser.


Q: Did you hear about the new Mike Tyson computer?
A: It has two bytes and no memory


Q: What did Mike Tyson say to his girlfriend?
A: You're EARresistable


Q: Does a match box?
A: No, but a tin can!


Q: Why do boxers have "TGIF" written on their boxing shoes?
A: Toes Go In First.

Stay fancy babies
