Hello ladies and gents this is the JOE telling you that today we are talking about 


What do you call security guards working outside Samsung shops? 

Guardians of the Galaxy. 

What did Mark Wahlberg feed Ted? Nothing he was already stuffed.

 Why can't you give Elsa a balloon? Because she will Let it go. 

Did you hear that Clint Eastwood opened a preschool? It's called "Go Ahead and Make My Day Care Center". 

Why shouldn't you cyberbully creepy little white girls? You might get "Unfriended". 

Why should you really be sure before you see a movie with Lake Bell and Owen Wilson? Because there is "No Escape". 

How did Reese eat her ice cream? Witherspoon. 

How did Will Smith steal $10 from millions of people? All he had to do was "Focus". 

Do you want to be Britt Robertson's man? Don't take her to Tomorrowland just give her the "Longest Ride". 

What do you get when you drop "Sixteen Candles" on your favorite actor? John Bar-B-Cusack. 

What if Lebron James quit basketball and became an actor? It would be a "Trainwreck". 

Why was Dewey Cox walking hard? He got some Tenacious D.

 What should you do if you see Russell Brand holding a guitar? Get Him To The Greek. 

One a scale of one to ten, how obsessed with Harry Potter are you? About nine and three quarters. 

What does Drew Barrymore need to become a pop star? Music and Lyrics. 

Did you hear about the teacher who was fired for giving his students homework? Apparently, it was called "Project X". 

Why is Katie Holmes divorcing Tom Cruise? Apparently he'd been in "A Few Good Men." 

What do you call a gunslinger with glasses? Squint Eastwood. 

Why did Katie Holmes stop pretending to be in love and divorce Tom Cruise? Because it was 'Mission: Impossible. 

What do you get when you cross a frog and a pig? A lifetime ban from the Muppet Show studio. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one. Madonna does not have one. The Pope does not really use his. And Justin Bieber always uses his. What is it? A last name. Shame on you for thinking something else. 

Why couldn't Dorothy tell the bad witch from the good witch? Because she didn't know which witch was which! 

Why did the angry Jedi cross the road? To get to the Dark Side. 

What do you call Harrison Ford when he smokes weed? Han So-high 

Where does Superman park his privates? On Lois Lane What do you call it when Batman skips Church? Christian Bale. 

What was the movie "Superbad" originally about? A heart-warming tale about Lindsay Lohan's driving record! 

What does RIP stand for in district 11? Rue Is Perfect. 

When does a movie star celebrate her 5th wedding anniversary? After she's been married 5 times.

 Why did Bruce Willis pop a couple of viagras before fighting terrorists? He thought it was "A Good Day To Die Hard". 

What do you get when you cross Sonic The Hedgehog and Curious George? 2 Fast 2 Curious. 

What is the difference between Slumdog Millionaire and Slimeball Billionaire Slimeball Billionaire is a movie about Bernard Madoff. 

Why shouldn't Tom Cruise remarry? Because marriage is a Risky Business. 

What do you call the Tom Cruise movie about cooking? A Few Good Menus. 

Did you see the movie about the hot dog? It was an Oscar Wiener. 

What do you call an Academy Award winning movie about a black gay activist? Chocolate Milk. 

Why is "There Will Be Blood" George W Bush's favorite movie? Because it's about the heartless con man who's obsessed with finding oil.

And as always stay laughin
