Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


Romulus and Remus

 The Roman Empire Began in 753 BC

It is said that twin brothers Romulus and Remus were abandoned by their parents and tossed into the river Tiber. The basket they were in ran aground and was found by a mother wolf. The wolf took care of both babies for a while before they were found by a shepherd. The shepherd adopted the two babies. When they reached adulthood, they decided to found a city in the place where they were first found by the wolf. There was disagreement between Romulus and Remus about the location of the city, and Romulus killed Remus and named the city of Rome after himself. Archaeology gives us an idea of what life was like in the region before Rome was founded.

Rome Became a Republic in 509 BC

At the beginning, Rome was ruled by a king and it grew steadily until in 509 BC the Romans formed a new structure of government – the republic. Over the centuries, other countries have modelled themselves on this Roman structure. The Roman Republic began when the Romans overthrew their Etruscan conquerors who had ruled Rome for hundreds of years. They set up a new system of government which allowed the citizens to select representatives to rule on their behalf. The citizens of Rome differentiated themselves from non-citizens and slaves by wearing a toga, and this class of citizen had many levels of privilege and social class within it.

 The Law of the Twelve Tables in 449 BC

The Law of the Twelve Tables is one of the earliest surviving codes of law. There was a struggle between the patricians (the privileged class) and the plebeians (the common people) to protect the legal, social, and civil rights of citizens. A commission of 10 men was appointed in 433 BC called the Decemviri to write a code of law that was suitable for both parties. Before the Twelve Tables law, there were private laws which applied to Roman citizens. The Law of the Twelve Tables can found here.
