Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

1. Mohandas Gandhi, political and spiritual leader of India, 1948

Mahatma Gandhi and sustainable science

  • Assassin: Nathuram Godse
  • Motive: Godse was angry over India's decision to give 420 million rupees to Pakistan. He believed India had been weakened when Pakistan gained independence.
  • What happened next: Godse was a Brahmin so in the days following the assassination, massive anti-Brahmin riots took place. The Indian government was harshly criticized for not protecting Gandhi well enough, despite multiple assassination attempts, though Gandhi was known to refuse to cooperate with security

2. John F. Kennedy, U.S. President, 1963

JFK: Catholic for President - HISTORY

  • Assassin: Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Motive: The Warren Commission failed to assign a specific motive.
  • What happened next: Conspiracy theories; a general stunned reaction from American citizens, who reported feeling ill and angry; and the murder of brother Robert eight years later by the mentally disturbed anti-Zionist Christian Sirhan Sirhan.

3. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, probable heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, 1914

Biography of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria

  • Assassin: Gavrilo Princip
  • Motive: Princip was one of seven members of Young Bosnia, a Bosnian Serb terrorist organization; wanted to eliminate Ferdinand and ruling powers to gain independence from Austria-Hungary and to be part Serbia.
  • What happened next: World War I

4. Julius Caesar, Roman military leader, 44 BC

Julius Caesar/Bio & Battles | Deadliest Fiction Wiki | Fandom

  • Assassin: Rome's Senate, led by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus Junius Brutus
  • Motive: To overthrow Caesar
  • What happened next: The end of Roman Republic after middle and lower classes in Rome were so enraged that a group of aristocrats had killed Caesar. This led to another civil war, and eventually Caesar's adopted heir Octavian ascended to Roman Emperor.

5. Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President 1865

Abraham Lincoln | The White House

  • Assassin: John Wilkes Booth
  • Motive: Booth had been a member of the confederacy
  • What happened next: Attacks in cities against those who showed support for Booth; theater was forced to close.
