Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


5 Animals That Help Us to Survive

You may have never given much attention to these slimy species, but frogs are far more important to humans than being used for high school dissection experiments.

Contamination Control

Frogs act as bio-indicators, which means they indicate the health of their ecosystems. How? Frog skin is very porous and permeable, allowing substances present in the environment to be absorbed within their fatty tissues. Since these amphibians have the ability to live terrestrially and aquatically, they can indicate contamination dilemmas for both habitats. Since frogs will most often be the first animals to react to biological hazards, they are helpful for warning humans to take action.

Cycle of Life

Though not as effective as bats, frogs do help in insect control. They are also a food source to many carnivorous species and are needed for maintaining balanced ecosystems.

And as always have a chilled day from the viking
