Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


Annoying Announcement

1) How many marketers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None -- they've automated it. 

2) What does the new Chips Ahoy marketing director do her first day on the job?

Enable cookies.

3) Why did the naughty lead's phone ring at 1 a.m.?

For a booty call-to-action. 

4) What's a personality trait of a bad marketer?


5) Why did the marketer get off the trampoline?

He was worried about his bounce rate.

6) Why can't a lead date a religious marketer?

Because she'll always be trying to convert him. 

7) A stock photo walks into a bar, and the patrons start pointing and giggling. She looks at the bartender and says, "Why's everyone staring?" The bartender says ...

"Cuz your ALT tag is showing." 

8) Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Interruptive marketer

Interruptive marke--

9) Why did the marketing couple decide not to get married?

Because they weren't on the same landing page. 

10) What is a pirate's favorite piece of marketing content?

A webinAAAAR! 

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
