Howdy this is the JOE so you muppets lets begin 


Fast Food Jokes, Restaurant Puns, Drive-Thru Humor 2 |

Q: Why don't they have any toilet paper in KFC? 

A: Because its finger licking good!  

Q: What do a gynocologist and a pizza boy have in common? 

A: They can smell it but they cant eat it!  

Q: How did Burger King get Diary Queen Pregnant? 

A: He forgot to wrap his whopper.  

Q: Where does the one legged waitress work? 

A: The Ihop  

Q: What do you get if you play McDonald's Monopoly 30 Days Straight? 

A: A Heart Attack!! 

Q: Why is your Mom like a Big Mac? 

A: Because she's full of fat and only worth a buck. 

Q: What's thick, white and comes in your burger? 

A: McDonalds' staff. 

Q: What is peter pans favorite place to eat? 

A: I dont know!....WENDYS 

Q: Did you see the Will Smith movie about McDonalds? 

A: It's called the "Pursuit of Happy Meals" 

Q: Why don't Americans eat snails? 

A: Because they like "Fast Food". 

Q: What do you call a pig thief? 

A: A hamburglar. 

Q: What did the hamburger say to the other hamburger in the bathroom? 

A: I musturd! 

Q: How did the burger propose to a fry? 

A: With an onion ring. 

Q: Why did the rooster cross the road to KFC? 

A: To see a chicken strip. 

Q: Why did Five Guys survive the flood? 

A: Because it was built on solid ground beef. 

Q: Why did the chicken go to Burger King? 

A: To see a chicken strip. 

Q: What's better than a talking burrito? 

A: Adele taco. 

Q: Why did the french fry win the race? 

A: Because it was fast food! 

Q: What did Little Caesars say to Wendys? 

A: You'll always have a pizza my heart. 

Q: What Dr Seuss book do they read every morning in Canada? 

A: Tim Hortons Hears a Who. 

Q: Why did the rooster cross the road? 

A: He heard that the chickens at KFC were pretty hot. Did you hear McDonald killed Burger King in front of Five Guys over that skank Wendy? The funeral is at White Castle. I'm taking Dairy Queen. 

Q: Why is it called "Fast Food"? 

A: It's called "fast" food because you're supposed to eat it really fast. Otherwise, you might actually taste it.

And as always stay joking
