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Coronavirus song written in lockdown by talented schoolgirl | Wirral Globe

So we’re back in lockdown. You’ve completed your Netflix list and you’re tired of talking about the news with your flatmate (and constantly refreshing coronavirus stats for your area). 

Don’t fret, there are still plenty of free things left to do.

We’ve collated a list of 10 fun and free things to do using your internet connection or items you already have lying around to get you through days, weeks, or even months or boredom. 

1. Watch a film

Netflix and Amazon Prime aren’t your only options, and you don’t necessarily have to pay for a subscription to watch plenty of excellent films. 

Openculture has a great list of 1150 free films you can watch online right now. If you have an eligible university or library card, you might also have access to Kanopy which offers thousands more film options for free.

2. Watch a documentary 

If you’re in the mood for something a bit more cerebral, there are a few websites that give you access to free documentaries.

Whether you’re into sharks, revolutions, or serial killers, you’ll find something interesting to watch. Some great sites include Documentary Tube. Top Documentary Films, and Documentary Heaven. 

3. Write a novel

Is it time for you to create rather than consuming?

If you’ve always wanted to write a novel but never found the time or inspiration, this is your chance. Apparently Shakespeare wrote King Lear in isolation during the plague, so maybe this is when you’ll write your opus.

If you’re not really sure where to start, we have a free course on how to start writing fiction to get you on the right track. 

4. Tour ancient Rome

You may feel cut off from the rest of the world, but you can time travel. 

Current technology means that you can explore other cities and even other times online, such as this virtual tour of ancient Rome which takes you through the forum, capitoline hill, and famous monuments. 

5. Write a play or short film

Perhaps your work is better realised by actors rather than staying on the page? You’ll be pleased to know that the BBC is on the hunt for original scripts about self-isolation that they can turn into short films. 

If you’re daunted by that task, you could try out a free screenwriting course to learn the ropes and (hopefully) catapult you into stardom after your first film is made. 

6. Paint with Bob Ross

Have any paint and brushes lying around? You’ll be pleased to know that 403 episodes of the timeless Joy of Painting have been added to YouTube so you can listen to his soothing tones while you paint happy little trees and enjoy the beauty of imperfections. 

7. Write a song

If you have a musical persuasion, you could channel your current emotions into a song or even an entire album of them. 

If you’re not sure where to start a songwriting course could get you into the right frame of mind, and you can even start making some Spotify playlists in the meantime to get inspired. 

8. Visit the MoMA

A huge number of art galleries and museums around the world have digitized their collections and are now offering free virtual tours.

New York’s MoMA is just one of the incredible galleries that you can visit from your own sofa, where you can enjoy Pollock and Monet without the crowds.  

9. Explore the Uffizi

If you prefer Botticelli to Pollock, you can tour the Uffizi in Florence, arguably one of the best collections of Renaissance art in the world. 

You can take your time looking at Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, Caravaggio’s Medusa, and Titian’s Venus of Urbino without even getting on a plane. 

10. Enjoy the Musée d’Orsay

Experiencing these venues from your home does mean that you can visit multiple galleries from different countries or even different continents in the same afternoon. 

Paris’ Musée d’Orsay is home to an incredible collection of Van Gogh and Cezanne’s artistic masterpieces. Take a look around online. 

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
