Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


1.Fresh Air

Fresh air sums up all the smells I like: rain, earth, flowers, pines trees (Piney wood east texan here), meadows full of Indian paintbrush and black-eyed Susans, blue sky, among other things. I love being outside. I love the woods. I love evenings and mornings, cool afternoons, moonlight lit nights. Dog wood blossoms, turning leaves; it’s all of it together that makes ‘fresh air’.

There is just something really special about going outside in the morning, take the time to look around you and breathe in fresh air.

What kind of single celled organism used the last of their brain power to say a can of gasoline smells better that fresh air.

In a stuffy room in your classroom for one hour? I love the feeling when getting out of stinky hot and stuffy areas then walking out into the nice cool breeze and just smelling, well, fresh air!


It smells like sweet flowers blooming in the hot spring. I love vanilla and vanilla ice-cream is the 2nd best! Well, strawberry is the best for me.

It's comforting and just reminds me of my childhood. My grandmother used to make these delicious vanilla cupcakes the just smelt amazing when they were freshly baked. It is such a soft and warm smell.

Vanilla is magical, its like a large hug by a roasted marshmallow after a rainy day
Or working out all day then your head hitting the pillow in bed
Yes, that's how magical the smell of vanilla is.

Vanilla is so creamy, delicious and it just smells like an ice cream cone in the summer stillness. If that makes any scents. Haha scents like sense haha never mind.


I always make my mum a coffee each morning and in fact I've drank coffee even though I wasn't meant to because I was too young. If I could I'd have a jar of coffee beans next to me at all times, saying I LOVE coffee is an understatement

The smell of good coffee brewing in the morning while still in bed. I just lie there with my eyes closed, breathing deeply through my nose..

When I wake up, I immediately smell my moms coffee and say "coffee again" even before I realize I'm cold.

A smell that reminds you of a happy morning breakfast and feeling that will leave you warm


Do you remember when you're walkin' along, outside and alone, and the only thing to keep you company is the dew drops on the flowers and trees? Come one, I mean, the smell of wet soil? There's nothing better. It's refreshing and natural and makes me go AH. Sigh.
Rain is definitely best.

I have been able to smell rain before it hits all my life, my grandpa got me into storms when I was very young. I get peace from a storm, I've chased a few tornados but the speed limits around here go from 55 down to 25 in less than a city block.

Very peaceful like how could people not like it. If you are coming home from a long day and it's raining it's very peaceful to just go outside and wear a rain jacket or something like a gazebo to protect you from being wet it's just the best thing in the world

One of those amazing smells, after a long hot week and finally you start to smell the rain in the air, that smell of soil in the air and you know it coming. And then finally a beautiful shower to cool you down after a long, hard, hot week.



When you smell it your mind blanks out and you just think about how good it will be to put that stuff in your mouth. It is really good!

I don't know how farts got on here. Personally I hate the smell of freshly cut grass.

Bacon is awesome and if you don't like the smell of bacon your not American

Petrol smells gross! Bacon, chocolate or Apple smell should be on number 1
