Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

DIY Life Hacks for Electronics

Let’s start with some simple DIY hacks to help you manage your electronics.

1. How to Tidy Up Your Desk Cables

Tidy Cables

Do your desk cables constantly become tangled and messy? Are you always trying to find the right cable? Put an end to these problems with this simple life hack, and use binder clips to organize your cables.

2. How to Protect Your Cables

Have you ever owned charging cables that wore out and broke in the past? Smartphone and laptop charging cables aren’t cheap. Use this top life hack to protect them using a spring from an old pen.

3. A Handy Way to Charge Your Phone

Have you ever needed to charge your phone and realized that you’ve lost your charging adaptor? Remember this useful life hack and charge your phone using the USB port on the back of a TV.

4. How to Clean Your Electronics

How to Clean Electronics

Computer keyboards and charging ports on electronics often accumulate dust and dirt. Use this cool life hack to clean them. All you need is a squeezy-ketchup bottle top and your vacuum.

5. How to Organize Your Cables

How to Organize Cables

If you’re like most people, you probably have a tangled bag of wires and cables somewhere. Use this easy life hack to get organized. All you need is a shoebox and a few toilet paper rolls.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
