Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

King's Day 2021

King's Day 2021

Today’s Doodle celebrates King’s Day, or Koningsdag. Dutch communities in the Netherlands and around the world celebrate their nation’s cultural heritage and the birthday of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, who was born on this day in 1967. 

A representation of the Dutch royal family, oranjegekte (“orange madness”) is the theme of the day and the national color can be seen everywhere from the way people dress up to the icing on the tompouce (a cream-filled pastry). Even the drinks are orange, as many toast to the King with an Orange Bitter.  

Depicted in the Doodle artwork is the creation of homemade crowns, an annual King’s Day tradition. Huge inflatable orange crowns and miniature crown variations are worn by celebrants across the country to honor the King’s birthday. 

Fijne Koningsdag! (Happy King’s Day!) and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
