Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Feel-Good Stories About People Saving Our Planet

It seems that these days all we hear about is the tragic impact our actions are having on planet earth. With billions of tons of waste filling our oceans, millions of people experiencing hunger every day, and thousands of species entering the 'endangered species' list, it is time for all of us to make a change. However, not everything is terrible, there are still many people in the world who are trying their best to help our mother earth. This list compiled by Bored Panda shares positive environmental movements from all around the world. We hope that these initiatives will not only serve as great examples of ways to save the planet, but they will also inspire you to do as much as you can to become a part of brighter, and cleaner tomorrow.

#1 Man Plants A Tree Every Day For 40 Years Now Has A Forest Bigger Than Central Park

Man Plants A Tree Every Day For 40 Years Now Has A Forest Bigger Than Central Park

What used to be a landscape devastated by erosion is now 1,360 acres of forest and it's all thanks to one Indian man named Jadav Payeng. Jadav planted a tree every single day for 40 years and now this man-made forest is bigger than Central Park. Now this incredible forest is home to hundreds of elephants, rhinos, boars, reptiles, and birds. 

This botanical-enthusiast says he is planning to plant trees until his "last breath". “Nature is God. It gives me inspiration. It gives me power … As long as it survives, I survive." If you want to learn more about this hero, you can check a short documentary dedicated to his work.

#2 Search Engine That Plants Trees Every Time You Search Something Online

Search Engine That Plants Trees Every Time You Search Something Online

Ecosia is a search engine that allows you to be a part of tree planting around the world without even lifting a finger off your keyboard. Every 50 searches Ecosia plants a new tree with the ad money they earn. This search engine has currently planted 50,120,906 trees and the number continues to grow every single second

We contacted the creators of Ecosia for a comment and found out that the company chose to plant trees instead over other environmental initiatives because they believe “By planting a tree, you can fight climate change, restart water cycles, turn deserts back into fertile forests and provide nutrition, employment, education, medical assistance and political as well as economic stability.” 

Deforestation has a terrible impact on our environment, there are currently 7 billion trees cut every year around the world. If you want to stop deforestation here are some changes you can make on a daily basis - avoid using as much paper as you can, plant a tree once in a while, recycle and buy recycled products, reduce your consumption of meat.

#3 Mexican Company Creates Single-Use Cutlery Made From Avocado Seeds

Mexican Company Creates Single-Use Cutlery Made From Avocado Seeds

A Mexican company called BioFase created single-use cutlery and straws that biodegrade in just 240 days. Since Mexico is responsible for around 50% of the world’s avocado supply, the country has plenty of avocado seeds that are usually burned in a landfill without any useful purpose. Biofase uses these avocado seeds and gives them a new purpose, reducing the plastic waste in the world. You can learn more about this initiative by reading our article about BioFase.
