Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

5 random and quirky facts about Europe

Iceland’s stunning nature is even better with the fact that there are absolutely no mosquitos in the country — Shutterstock 15 random and quirky facts about Europe

#1 Apparently, the most visited place in Europe isn’t the Eiffel Tower or Colosseum, as might have been your first guess… it is Disneyland in Paris! It receives close to 10 million visitors a year, while for example, the Eiffel Tower sees around seven million a year.

#2 There are over 2,500 types of mosquitoes in the world. Amazingly enough, Iceland is believed to be completely free of any mosquitoes altogether.

#3 In the UK, if you reach your 100th and 105th birthday and every year thereafter, or celebrate your diamond wedding (60th), 65th, 70th wedding anniversaries and every year thereafter, you can get a congratulatory card from the Queen.

#4 For several years, up until 2018, Sweden’s official Twitter account was given to a random citizen every week to manage.

#5 Edinburgh zoo in Scotland is home to a knighted penguin. His name is Nils Olav III (he’s the third king penguin since 1972) and he is the colonel-in-chief and a mascot of the Norwegian’s King Guard.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
