Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Far Cry 6: everything we know about Ubisoft's next open world FPS

Far Cry 6 - Anton and Diego

Giancarlo Esposito plays the heavy as Far Cry moves to the fictional Caribbean country of Yara.

Far Cry 6 leaves behind the Montana of Far Cry 5 and New Dawn, and heads for a Caribbean vacation in the fictional country of Yara, where things are, unsurprisingly, a bit chaotic. Ubisoft's next shooter is set amidst the revolution trying to oust a brutal dictator from power.

Here's what we know about Far Cry 6 so far, including what's new for the shooter series and its potential ties to Far Cry 3.

What is Far Cry 6's release date?

Far Cry 6's release date is October 7, 2021 for PC, Stadia, the PS4 and PS5, and Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

That's not the original release date, however. It was first planned to launch back in February, but was delayed near the end of 2020 along with a few other Ubisoft games. Another rumor, via a Microsoft Store listing, suggested it might arrive in May. But in a gameplay reveal trailer, Ubisoft finally announced the October release date.

Will Far Cry 6 be on Steam?

No. Ubisoft has confirmed that Far Cry 6 will release for Windows PC exclusively on the Epic Games Store and the Ubisoft Store, and will also be available on its subscription service, Ubisoft+. But it won't be on Steam.

Will Far Cry 6 be co-op?

Yes. There will be co-op in Far Cry 6, though at the moment Ubisoft isn't saying much about it yet.

Previous games in the series have had co-op, such as Far Cry 5, which let you play alongside a friend once you'd completed the introduction to the game and left Dutch's island. Far Cry New Dawn also let you play co-op, though some of the progression through the story missions only counted towards the host's game, not their pal's. 

We don't know how co-op will work in Far Cry 6 yet, but we'll update this story when we've got more information and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
